Unless otherwise indicated on the last page of the Menu, they are from Switzerland, in particular Ticino and Valle Maggia.
Salmon: Lostallo (GR) - Swiss Alpine Fish AG
from "sustainable" farming without antibiotics, microplastics or chemicals.
Whitefish , trout, perch and char: Giovanni Palmieri's fish shop (Brissago - Lago Maggiore, TI)
Shrimps: from "sustainable" farming Rheinfelden (AG) Switzerland - SwissShripms AG - without hormones and without antibiotics.
Our suppliers
Rapelli and Prodega (Meat and Cured Meats)
Bianchi, (organic fish and mushrooms CH)
Giovanni Palmieri (Lake Maggiore fish CH-I
Banfi (fruit and vegetables)
Iris, Terra di Fuori Avegno (salad, herbs and vegetables ALL ORGANIC!)
Perozzi Piano di Magadino farm (fruit and vegetables)
TI Gusto SA (Organic Pianezzo Red Polenta and Tofu)
Michele Arcioni, Alpe Grossalp Bosco Gurin
(Ticino Alpine cheese DOP) -
Prodega (food - colonial)
Bakery Leibundgut SA and Prodega

In case of allergies, intolerances or adverse reactions to food ingredients:
We invite our esteemed customers to ask for information from the service staff before ordering so that they can advise you and propose specialties free of ingredients that cause intolerance or allergy. In our kitchen, cross-contamination cannot be excluded.
1. Cereals, Gluten
2. Crustaceans
3. Eggs
4. Fish
5. Peanuts
6. Soy
7. Milk, lactose
8. Nuts, walnuts
9. Celery
10. Mustard
11. Sesame
12. Sulphur dioxide, sulphites
13. Lupins
14. Molluscs